ICE IoT - IBM Continuous Engineering for the Internet of Things
November 3, 2015 - November 4, 2015
Westfield Marriott Dulles

You’ve asked for it. So now join us at the new IBM Continuous Engineering for the Internet of Things (ICE IoT) conference to gain in-depth insights on a wide range of today's hottest topics in engineering for the Internet of Things. Key topics include:
- The impact of the Internet of Things on product development
- Systems engineering
- Embedded systems and agile development
- Requirements management
- Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
- Quality management
- New collaboration technologies
You’ll learn about the applying the latest tools and practices for engineering for the IoT with IBM’s market-leading solution: the IBM Internet of Things Continuous Engineering solution.
This interactive event offers a great opportunity to network with your industry peers, engineering associations, and industry and technology leaders. Through sessions including roundtables and “Birds of a Feather” gatherings, you’ll get the chance to discuss in depth your engineering and product development needs and challenges. You can also improve your skills by attending at no extra charge our workshops which include a MBSE full day workshop, an INCOSE CSEP two day training class, Model-Driven Development for Safe and Secure Software workshop, and an intro to Requirements workshop for 3 PDH credit for licensed engineers and hands-on training with our tools and solutions.
Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your skills and get the latest insights into engineering for the Internet of Things.