Performance Management

How strategically focused is your company? Do you define markets that you want to penetrate and put together plans? Do you know what projects you are profitable on and why? Which ones are losers and is there anything you can do to turn them around?
The key element in developing a strategic focus is to embrace Performance Management. It will allow you to take what you know today, create a plan for tomorrow, and then manage how well you are tracking that plan. This is hard to do when you are living in the depths of an Excel jungle. Changing one aspect of your plan takes forever to trickle through all the excel workbooks to give you an idea of how the total plan and the goal have changed. Consolidating everything is hard. Creating meaningful reports and keeping them updated with actuals is a massive undertaking. This is where Kinetek can help.
We understand Performance Management from the ground up. We have been working for more than 15 years with Cognos – the software that leads the market in Performance Management - making it work for every type and size of company in many different markets. We start by evaluating your current business model and making recommendations on how to evolve that model to make information flow through it faster. Then we model that process in a world-class planning/forecasting tool and make it available through the web to all your managers and financial leads. This builds teamwork and collaboration in the planning process, and, because it is web-based and consolidation is immediate, the net result of any changes can be seen immediately, and decisions can be made.
We also start you down the road of continuous forecasting. Why spend a month or two putting together a static plan that is overcome by events before it is even finalized and then not look at it again for a year? Yes, you do need a strategic plan with solid goals, but you need to continuously forecast and track your progress against your strategic plan and your short term goals. We can make this work seamlessly with the right tool and the right guidance.
But Performance Management is not just planning. In order to maintain a strategic focus, you need business intelligence - the whole analysis and feedback cycle. Before we deploy any planning models, we evaluate what reporting and analyses would provide you with the best view of that information, and we design reports, analysis cubes, metrics, and dashboards that will present plans versus actuals in a cohesive and easy to understand fashion. That’s Performance Management. Easy when you have Kinetek as your partner. We are fully invested in helping you succeed.
Additonal Links:
Whitepaper: Six Trends in PM
Whitepaper: Dashboarding capabilities with BI
To find out more about the types of services we offer and how we can help your organization reach the next level, contact us today.