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June 24, 2016

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Costpoint

by Colin Quinn

Here are some considerations to encourage you to replace or at least reduce mouse habits and start using shortcut keys extensively..


It is generally acknowledged by tech guru's that you can increase your productivity and accomplish more tasks by using the keyboard instead of mouse. In other words, it’s easier and gets your job done faster:). Take for example the task of selecting all the text in a document. You can do that by simply pressing Ctrl+A while doing that with the mouse requires pressing the left mouse button and dragging it across the whole document.


Derives from the first motive and basically means that when you use the keyboard you don’t have to follow a pointer to see what you are doing and you can do thing semi-automatically thus freeing your mind for other tasks.

Download our free Costpoint Short Cut keys, and increase your productivity today!


You can combine the advantages of using the keyboard with those of using the mouse. There are tasks that are much easier done with the mouse, take the example of browsing the web pages and clicking links but at the same time you can use the keyboard to navigate within the page or between tabs.

4.Health issues

Extensive mouse usage is associated with RSI(Repetitive Syndrome Injury)much often than the keyboard usage. By alternating mouse and keyboard usage you can reduce the risks of RSI.


When you have a job that requires precision it is advisable that you use the keyboard, for example if you do a lot of data entry, it is more accurate to handle it through shortcut keys.

Download our free Costpoint Short Cut keys, and increase your productivity today:
Costpoint Shortcut Keys

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