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October 17, 2017

The insider's guide to attending Deltek Insight

by Colin Quinn

To gain a competitive career edge, it’s important to make learning an ongoing part of your professional development. Conferences are short and practical opportunities to learn new information, gain knowledge, and make valuable contacts.

Yet, attending a conference can be an intimidating experience, particularly the first time. If you’re planning on taking a day or more out of the office to attend a Deltek Insight, a bit of preparation will ensure that investment pays real dividends for your personal development.

Before you go

INSIDER TIP: Before you go download the Deltek Insight app - see what companies are attending and plan which expo hall booths you want to visit! Visit us at Booth 16!

Ask yourself why you want to attend the conference

INSIDER TIP: The lanyards will be color-coded to match the product you use to make finding fellow product users even easier!

It is important to understand ‘why’ you want to attend Deltek Insight in the first place. Ask yourself these three basic questions:

  1. Am I trying to learn something new?
    Insight offers various program tracks - find the track that best fits your interests whether it is Costpoint, GCS, or Vision and create your own unique experience.
  2. Do I want to meet people that may benefit my career?
    There are networking opportunities around every corner from the welcome center, expo hall, to private events.
  3. Am I attending because I’ve been told to?
    We hope not but even if your boss is making you attend, make the most of the conference by gaining as much knowledge and contacts as humanly possible.

Review the conference agenda and make a plan

INSIDER TIP: Extend your learning and add a Pre-Conference Workshop during registration to maximize your Insight experience!

Like most conferences, Insight is a mix of keynote events that are the only session running at that time, and breakout sessions that will require you to choose between various topics and focuses.

Go through the program list and take note of the activities that correspond closely to interests – sometimes this will be through content, but it could also be the connection you make to the speaker or the attendees in expo hall earlier that day.

Consider attending a few sessions outside your "wheelhouse." It can be a bit of a gamble, but you may stumble across something new that you can apply to your current position.

It’s likely you will miss out on something you were interested in attending but you can always reach out to the track managers to receive a copy of the slide deck for that session – it may make your planning process easier if you know you can catch up on the less relevant content later.

At the conference

INSIDER TIP: Know where the important rooms are, including the bathroom...

Insight offers a welcome session which for first-time attendees is worth attending. They also have staff posted in various locations to assist you with networking, finding a specific room or company. Take advantage of this. You’ll get additional insider tips on making the most of that particular conference and the people the intro session, particularly those on their own, will be looking to connect with others at this time.

Enjoy yourself at the Insight

INSIDER TIP: RSVP for our Private Event at Findley's

Since Insight is a multi-day conference, you’re likely to get burned out. If a session isn’t for you, take a break. It’s important to know and be true to your own limits. You’re at the conference to learn but don’t be afraid to have fun with peers and new contacts.

Don’t be tempted to talk shop all the time – ask people general questions about their lives as well and share information about yourself.

Just remember to keep everything in moderation – at the end of the day, you’re still representing yourself and your company as a professional.


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