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Tag: Insight

October 17, 2017

The insider's guide to attending Deltek Insight

by Colin Quinn

To gain a competitive career edge, it’s important to make learning an ongoing part of your professional development. Conferences are short and practical opportunities to learn new information, gain knowledge, and make valuable contacts.

Yet, attending a conference can be an intimidating experience, particularly the first time. If you’re planning on taking a day or more out of the office to attend a Deltek...

April 18, 2016

Collect it, store it, crunch it, display it..

by Colin Quinn

Collect it, store it, crunch it, display it…
Big Data and Business Intelligence Dashboards have recently seemed more like a game of candy crush rather than a display that businesses use everyday. This past year, big data finally hit its stride, creating a rift between companies who store it on the shelf and those who use it to innovate their business.

"Shelving" that data for “someday” use or...

April 22, 2015

Unlock Insight with Real-Time Business Intelligence

by Colin Quinn

Real-time data collection
Real-time business intelligence starts with up-to-the-minute collection of data inputs to kick off the business intelligence process. Of course, not all inputs need to be collected in real-time - for instance, information like product numbers, customer number, or customer location remains perfectly fine. However certain data points need to be updated much more often, in order to have...

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