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Tag: Project Accounting

August 29, 2018

Top 3 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford to Miss Deltek Insight 2018

by Colin Quinn

Deltek Insight is the largest global conference for project-focused professionals. Kinetek is a proud Platinum sponsor of Deltek Insight 2018 in Dallas, TX. Join us November 5th – 8th for three days of peer networking, incredible sessions, and exciting entertainment.

Register for Deltek Insight 2018 and save $100 off of your registration using promo code KINETEK. Available for the first 15 users only -...

June 12, 2017

8th Annual Deltek Government Contracting Industry Study (Clarity) Highlights

by Colin Quinn

What is the status of the GovCon Industry?

From 634 responses across more than 100 questions, the 8th Annual Deltek Clarity Government Contracting Industry Study continues to expand our understanding of long-term trends. This year we found:

Investments in business development paid off with a win rate rise of 2.6 points
Project managers struggled to accurately forecast project costs
Lack of internal KPI's...

May 25, 2017

Why now is the best time to migrate to Deltek Costpoint – Part 3 Manufacturing

by Colin Quinn

In our second installment of our three-part series on “Why now is the best time to migrate to Deltek Costpoint,” we discussed the technology behind GCS Premier and the greater reporting and customization offered by switching to Costpoint.

Previous Post: Why now is the best time to migrate to Deltek Costpoint – Part 2 Insight

Now, we will discuss our final benefit gained by switching from GCS to...

May 17, 2017

Why now is the best time to migrate to Deltek Costpoint – Part 2 Insight

by Colin Quinn

In our first installment of our three-part series on "Why now is the best time to migrate to Deltek Costpoint" we discussed GCS support and what it means for your business.

Previous Post: Why now is the best time to migrate to Deltek Costpoint – Part 1 Support

Now we will discuss another area of concern we've heard from our growing customers - insight. No, not the annual Deltek conference, but the...

May 4, 2017

Why now is the best time to migrate to Deltek Costpoint – Part 1 Support

by Colin Quinn

If you're reading this, chances are you have received a letter mailed from Deltek CEO, Michael Corkery back in October describing Deltek’s future plans for their GCS support services.

The most common concerns we have received have been:

What exactly do the support changes mean for the immediate future? What does this mean for current users?
For now, users do not have anything to be concerned about, sure...

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