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Time & Expense

Deltek’s Time and Expense™ is more than your average spreadsheet application – It’s a timesheet solution that can mold its connectivity and flexibility to what your individual business needs.

Deltek Time & Expense™ is a web-based application designed specifically for complex, project-oriented businesses. Deltek’s timekeeping software helps organizations automate the collection, validation, approval, and processing of labor and expense. As a result, businesses can dramatically lower transactional processing costs, comply with government regulations, and reduce the administrative burden on employees.

Kinetek has extensive experience in implementing, configuring, and customizing Deltek Time & Expense to seamlessly integrate with Deltek Costpoint to address the unique time collection, payroll, and expense needs of our customers - Gain the ability to move approved timesheets and expense reports directly into your accounting system.

Deltek Costpoint Time & Expense Data Discrepancy Cleanup Toolkit Now Available.

Identify all data discrepancies that exist and easily fix minor discrepancies before upgrading your Costpoint system. 

Based on how your organization currently uses Time & Expense and Costpoint, there may be several data discrepancies between T&E and the source records in the appropriate Costpoint domains that need to be addressed prior to upgrading to 8.0/8.1.

These data discrepancies include: 

  1. Major Discrepancy: Records that exist only in the T&E data schema (Not in Costpoint)
  2. Minor Discrepancy: Records that have different values between T&E and Costpoint (Active status, Description, etc.)

Data Discrepancy Help


With Kinetek & Deltek Time & Expense™, you receive and achieve:

  • Lower Administrative Costs 
  • Greater Data Accuracy & Transparency 
  • Implementation & Training Support
  • Multi-Company Deployment
  • Reimplementation & Modifications
  • Custom Tailored Systems Solution

contact us today

Lead Subject Matter Expert:

David Delaney 

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