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December 22, 2016

Dashboards: Why Every Business Should Have At Least One

by Colin Quinn

Financial dashboards allow your team to connect to the bigger picture and creates a culture of transparency and accountability.

Although you may not realize it, you use dashboards every single day. The simplest and most common is your phone. When you wake, it tells you what time it is, consequently it also lets you know how long you have to get out of the house. If you drive to work, another great example...

November 18, 2016

Deltek Insight 2016 - Top 5 Takeaways

by Colin Quinn

Each year, Insight gets bigger and better – with new content, more hands-on time with product and industry experts, unmatched networking opportunities and unique experiences and 2016 was no exception.

Sadly, Insight 2016 has come to an end - If your anything like us your rummaging through your stack of business cards, trying to get Sugar Ray and LoCash songs out of your head, and trying to figure out...

October 13, 2016

Major TM1 Servers Outages to Begin in November 2016

by Colin Quinn

On November 24, 2016 your TM1 and Cognos Express servers will become inaccessible to your users!

Why is this happening?
The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate bundled with IBM TM1 and Cognos Express expire on November 24, 2016. This certificate is used to encrypt communication between clients and the TM1 server.

IBM’s Urgent Message to all on premise Cognos TM1 and Cognos Express Customers...

September 14, 2016

5 Reasons Why You Should Attend Deltek Insight 2016!

by Colin Quinn

Deltek Insight provides the information you need to align the most critical areas of your business – your projects and your people. Join us for three days of incredible sessions, endless networking opportunities, exciting keynote speakers and, of course, some fun!

Here are five reasons why you should attend:

1. Sneak peeks of future product releases and features
Deltek always waits to announce "big...

August 5, 2016

You’ve Chosen Business Software, Now What? The Importance of Training

by Colin Quinn

So you’ve made the tough choice, selected your software, implementation is now underway and you are shortly due to go live. So much to organize and prepare for and often the most critical and overlooked process of incorporating end-user training is forgotten – arguably the most important piece. Unless your staff are properly trained on using your new software, you cannot expect to reap the full benefits of...

June 24, 2016

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Costpoint

by Colin Quinn

Here are some considerations to encourage you to replace or at least reduce mouse habits and start using shortcut keys extensively..

It is generally acknowledged by tech guru's that you can increase your productivity and accomplish more tasks by using the keyboard instead of mouse. In other words, it’s easier and gets your job done faster:). Take for example the task of selecting all the text in...

June 13, 2016

How Employee Software Training Can Help Your Company Meet Its Goals

by Colin Quinn

Successful organizations are always searching for more efficient and better ways to reach goals faster. If business development training isn’t number one on your list priorities for this year, then your company could be missing out on crucial business benefits.

Fact: Smarter employees make for more successful businesses. The importance of emerging technology, such as employee software training, lies in...

April 18, 2016

Collect it, store it, crunch it, display it..

by Colin Quinn

Collect it, store it, crunch it, display it…
Big Data and Business Intelligence Dashboards have recently seemed more like a game of candy crush rather than a display that businesses use everyday. This past year, big data finally hit its stride, creating a rift between companies who store it on the shelf and those who use it to innovate their business.

"Shelving" that data for “someday” use or...

March 17, 2016

3 Reasons Why You Should Attend IBM Vision

by Colin Quinn

Apart from enhancing your own skills and knowledge, attending Vision will immensely benefit your organization:

Build new business relationships

Vision 2016 delivers three days packed with opportunities to strengthen your network, exchange ideas with new contacts. Learn about the challenges your peers are facing and what they are doing about it. Create meaningful, long-term business relationships through fun...

March 10, 2016

Brewery applies business insight to boost profitability and retain market dominance

by Colin Quinn


Since its inception in 1890, San Miguel Brewery Inc (SMB) has grown to become the largest producer of beer in the Philippines. With a portfolio of ten popular beers, SMB champions the San Miguel brand as a subsidiary of San Miguel Corp., the Philippines’ biggest diversified conglomerate.

Business Need

San Miguel Brewery (SMB) sought to maintain its market dominance and improve profitability, but a...

February 8, 2016

Beer Brewer Quenches Thirst with IBM's Predictive Analytics

by Colin Quinn

Here's how 172-year-old beer maker Pabst is using IBM's predictive analytics to reinvent itself..

We've all had a "PBR" at some point, the Pabst Brewing Company which has been around since 1844 has brewed several popular beer brands, but none more notable then Pabst Blue Ribbon.

The 172-year-old beer brewer may have started selling beer in the 19th century, but it hasn't remained trapped in the past...

January 12, 2016

How to choose the best accounting software for your business

by Colin Quinn

Have you ever noticed your employees spend more time managing the books and dealing with cumbersome spreadsheets, then you'd like.. Then accounting software may be the right choice for your business. Streamlining your processes by reducing, or completely eliminating the need to constantly manually re-enter the same data on multiple sources, can save you time, money, and your sanity.

Accounting software is a...

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